
Community Workshops

Sustainable Duluth Report

This engaging eight-part series, presented by the City of Duluth in partnership with the Duluth Folk School, provided an opportunity for community members to explore modern sustainability practices shaping our present and future. Featuring local experts from nonprofits, government, business, and academia, the workshops covered a range of topics, including clean heat, waste management, and funding opportunities. Each free session included meals from Dovetail Cafe and activities for children. Funded by a grant from the Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN), the series has been a valuable resource for fostering sustainability in our community. These workshops have established a robust framework for advancing community engagement efforts. Feedback and insights have been compiled into a final report available here. This report will serve as a critical resource in guiding future efforts, ensuring that our strategies are both informed by the experiences shared during these sessions and aligned with the long-term sustainability goals of the Duluth community.

Sustainable Duluth Clean Heat Instagram Post


1/18   Clean Heat

Learn how to save on your heating bills and increase your home efficiency with experts from Ecolibrium3, Center for Energy and Environment, Community Action Duluth, MN Power, ComfortSystems, AEOA and MNIPL! Read the summary here.

Sustainable Duluth Clean Heat Instagram Post (1)

2/15   Funding Incentives

Learn how to utilize federal, state, and local incentives to save money on clean energy projects with experts from Ecolibrium3MN PowerComfortSystemsMNIPL, the Department of Commerce and CERTs!

Read the summary here.

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3/21   Waste

Learn where your waste ends up and how to reduce your impact. Meet local experts and explore resources to help with reducing, reusing, and recycling in your household with WLSSD, Duluth Gear Exchange, Grandma’s Marathon, Duluth Compost, Ren Market and CRAVE!

Read the summary here.

Sustainable Duluth Instagram Post

4/18   Public Health

Learn about the relationship between health, equity and the environment. Meet local experts and explore resources for reducing your exposure to pollutants and preparing for the health impacts of climate change including Eco3, MPCA, WLSSD, NOAA, Harm Reduction Sisters, St. Louis County, and CAD!

Read the summary Here

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5/16   Food Systems

Learn about food systems journey from the pollinator to the grocery store. Meet local experts and explore resources for supporting your local food system, starting your own garden or creating a pollinator friendly lawn! Speakers included: AICHO, UMN Master Gardeners, Eco3, BWSR, SWCD, and more!”

Read the summary here

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6/20   Solar

Learn about the possibilities of solar and storage for your household. Meet local experts including Museum of Solar Energy, MN Power, Eco3, and MNIPL to explore resources for installing solar panels, securing financing, utilizing community solar, and much more!

Read Summary Here

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7/18   Transportation

Explore the potential of accessible and sustainable transportation. Connect with local experts including e-Bike Duluth, Zeitgeist, COGGS, and more to learn more about reducing emissions through public transit, electric vehicles, electric bicycles, and more!

Read the summary here

Sustainable Duluth Instagram Post

8/15   Policy

Discover how policies can influence pathways to sustainable action. Gain insight from local government staff through their stories of policy development, implementation, and evaluation.

Read the Policy and Planning summary here.